2.實際應用則只分為Chips與IP,IP業務的收入則會劃分為Royalty與contract(公司沒有明確定義像是HBM IP會放在哪一類),但根據來自最新一季10Q的說明來看,應該是放在Royalty,公司對於Royalty與contract劃分說明如下(From 23’Q1 10Q)
Royalty revenue is derived from our patent licenses, through which we provide our customers certain rights to our broad worldwide portfolio of patented inventions. Our patent licenses enable our customers to use a portion of our patent portfolio in their own digital electronics products.
The licenses typically range in term up to ten years and define the specific field of use where our customers may utilize our inventions in their products. Royalties may be structured as fixed, variable or a hybrid of fixed and variable royalty payments
Leading semiconductor and electronic system companies such as AMD, Broadcom, Cisco, CXMT, IBM, Infineon, Kioxia, Marvell, MediaTek, Micron, Nanya, NVIDIA, Panasonic, Phison, Qualcomm, Samsung, SK hynix, Socionext, STMicroelectronics, Toshiba, Western Digital, Winbond and Xilinx have licensed our patents
Contract and other revenue consists primarily of Silicon IP, which is comprised of our high-speed interface and security IP. Revenue sources under contract
and other include our IP core licenses, software licenses and related implementation, support and maintenance fees and engineering services fees.
第一季度的收入為 1.138 億美元,Royalty收入為 2820 萬美元
我們預計第二季度的收入在 1.11 億美元至 1.17 億美元之間,預計Royalty收入在 3700 萬至 4300 萬美元之間
4.公司表示今年IP業務相較於去年僅會成長single digit,長期則仍會成長10~15%
the silicon IP business was about $130 million last year. We see that business growing very, very slowly this year, low to single digit,這與任何特定市場無關。 這與總經環境有關,許多新創企業開始放慢投資速度。(2023/6/7)
5.根據第三點預估收入狀況,可推測Q2在Chips產品類別收入將滑落10~20%,但隨著下半年~明年DDR5的採用量持續上升(Intel及AMD新平台),公司下半年將有強勁增長的可能,相較於過去在DDR4的interface上僅有RCD及DB,DDR5上相比DDR4多了兩顆溫度感測器(TS)及SPD Hub,是很直接的收入增長來源,而根據公司說法,將在2024上半年推出DDR5 PMIC產品;除此之外2024也將可能有CXL產品上市(尚未確定時程)。
7.IP業務主要競爭對手是Cadence和Synopsys;而Chips產品主要競爭對手則有兩家,中國Montage,日本瑞薩(收購IDT後),Mkt share從2019的0%到現在的20%,
參照過往,整體收入增長是跟著Chips(Product Revenue)走,所以應該要期待的是DDR5的占比提升,根據Omdia預測,第一季DDR5將僅占伺服器DRAM市場的3%;第二季為8%。此一比例將在第三季躍升至15%,然後在第四季躍升至24%。
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